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How Much Collagen Should You Take Per Day? Experts Explain Dosage, Results & Benefits

Alexandra Engler
Author: Expert reviewer:
July 20, 2023
Alexandra Engler
mbg Beauty Director
By Alexandra Engler
mbg Beauty Director
Alexandra Engler is the beauty director at mindbodygreen and host of the beauty podcast Clean Beauty School. Previously, she's held beauty roles at Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, SELF, and Cosmopolitan; her byline has appeared in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and
Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN
Expert review by
Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN
mbg Vice President of Scientific Affairs
Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN is Vice President of Scientific Affairs at mindbodygreen. She received her bachelor's degree in Biological Basis of Behavior from the University of Pennsylvania and Ph.D. in Foods and Nutrition from the University of Georgia.
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There is no shortage of questions that come along with starting a collagen routine. What can you expect from collagen peptides? How should you take it? What form is best? When can you expect to see results? Well, add this to the list: How much collagen should you take?

It seems like it should be pretty clear-cut, no? Well, like most things in health, beauty, and wellness—there's actually some nuance.

Here, we break down what you need to know. 

Why take a collagen supplement?

There are many reasons people add a collagen supplement to their routine—from beauty to overall health.

The protein is naturally found in many areas of the body, including the skin, muscles, joints, bones, and gut.

In fact, there are at least 28 kinds of collagen1 that we know of that exist in vertebrates, which includes us—however, collagen types I through III are the most common.

We actually produce collagen via our cells' fibroblasts, but said product decreases over time with aging, and so many look for ways you can support the production naturally.* 

Yes, enter collagen supplements. Here are the health support areas where you may see benefits once adding collagen peptides into your routine:* 



The research shows that these collagen peptides are able to support skin elasticity and dermal collagen density2.*

The way this works is that hydrolyzed collagen peptides have been shown to help promote your body's natural production of collagen3 and other molecules that make up the skin, like elastin and fibrillin, within the fibroblasts.*



While this is a new area of study for collagen supplements, research has found that levels of certain types of collagen are lower in individuals with digestive challenges4.*

It turns out that one of the main amino acids in collagen, L-glutamate, supports digestive health because it's a major fuel source5 for the cells in the intestine.*

Our gut lining cells also use proline and glycine for energy, and these are two additional amino acids found in collagen.*


Joints & bone

Collagen type II is a common structural component of our joints. One randomized clinical trial found that people who took a type II collagen supplement for 180 days saw support in their physical function and helped improve joint mobility and comfort.*

As for bone health, it's a more time-intensive benefit to track—simply given how long the bone turnover timeline is—however, this study found that postmenopausal women showed enhanced bone density6 at 12 months after consuming collagen peptides daily for a year.* 



Collagen is not a complete protein because it's missing tryptophan, one of the nine essential amino acids, but it still delivers close to 20 unique amino acids and can support muscle mass, according to researchers.

In one small human study, men who took collagen daily while participating in an exercise program gained more muscle mass7 than those who only did the exercise program.*


Health support areas where you may see benefits once adding collagen peptides into your routine include improved skin health, digestive health, joint mobility, and muscle mass.*

How much collagen should you take?

Unlike with some other vitamins, minerals, and supplements, the science is relatively young and still emerging for collagen peptides. (It may seem like collagen has been around on the market for a while now, but relatively speaking—it's a newer supplement option!)

So while you may find definitive recommendations on intake levels (like a Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA) and status biomarkers for things like vitamin D (depending on your age, sex, nutrition needs, and lifestyle, of course), it's just not the same for collagen at this time. 

To share more on the state of collagen science, mbg's vice president of scientific affairs Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, weighed in: "Collagen research publications actually date back to the 1940s, which sounds like a long time. Search PubMed, and you'll find 400-plus peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to 'collagen peptides' dating back to 1965. But clinical trials leveraging oral collagen peptide supplementation for a variety of health outcomes have only been completed in the past two decades, with the majority (around 30 human clinicals) completed in the past 10 years. We are learning in real time, which is honestly exciting and cutting-edge."

So while we might not have an RDA for collagen (like we do with vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, fiber, protein, and fat), a growing number of clinical studies point to specific, effective dosages based on outcomes—and can help us understand how much collagen we should be taking every day. 

As for the amount of collagen peptides you are getting from your specific supplement, look for the grams of collagen per serving—it should be on the label. (Remember: Not all collagen supplements are made the same! Options may have anywhere from 40 milligrams to 20 grams of collagen per serving. That's quite a range.) 

Collagen and protein dosage overall

Remember that collagen is a specific type of protein. Now, there is no official daily recommendation from health organizations (yet) for specific forms of protein like collagen; however, for healthy adults, you need at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for muscle mass maintenance. 

From there, protein needs increase based on activity levels: For highly active adults, you should consume 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

If you have a specific health condition, your daily protein needs may be even higher (due to increased protein turnover and healing needs in the body), in which case, please defer to your doctor.

However, remember that collagen is not a complete protein. As an incomplete protein (meaning that it does not contain all nine essential amino acids; it has eight of them), you should pair it with other protein sources to get your adequate intake of the essential amino acids. 

Ferira explains it this way: "The notion of intentionally pairing complementary proteins to maximize amino acid consumption (e.g., rice and beans) is a daily nutrition endeavor for vegetarians and vegans. The same concept applies here for everybody with collagen, which can absolutely contribute to your overall nutrition approach to meet daily protein needs."

In fact, a 2019 study found that as much as 36% of daily protein could come from collagen peptides8 while simultaneously achieving essential amino acid requirements!* 

Collagen dosage based on benefit

Additionally, we also know there are specific doses of collagen based on your desired result. (Remember how we were talking about specific benefits above? We're revisiting that now.)

Here let's look into the collagen peptide dosage based on the benefit, as science has found positive results in these dose ranges per health-support area.* 


The science is still emerging for collagen peptides. However, for healthy adults, at least 1 gram of collagen per kilogram of body weight daily appears to be safe and effective; a range of 2.5 to 10 grams per day can be beneficial for skin support; 15 to 20 grams per day can help muscle strength; 2.5 to 5 grams per day has been shown to help joint support; and 5 grams per day provides bone support.*

When should you take it?

For some supplements, the when is important. (You're not going to take a sleeping supplement first thing in the morning, no?)

As for collagen, you may hear conflicting information about when the best time to take the supplement is—be it morning, midday, or evening.

Let's break this down. 


Some claim that the morning is the best time to take your collagen supplement as you'll be digesting the supplements on an empty stomach.

However, this doesn't seem to matter according to experts. "The bulk of the breaking down of proteins actually happens in the small intestine, so full stomach, half-full stomach, or empty stomach—there will be little difference," says Scott Keatley, R.D.

Ferira adds, "Collagen peptides are just that: peptides. That means they are already delivered to your digestive tract in a more digestible, bioavailable format than straight protein. So, typical protein digestion steps that require stomach acid and enzymes plus additional proteases in the small intestine simply don't apply here."


Others love a midday collagen break as a snack or snack component. How well your collagen supplement fills you up ultimately depends on what you take it with, according to Galligan.

"On their own, collagen supplements are unlikely to fill you up because of the small volume of each," he says. However, having something with fiber and fat in it, like a smoothie with nut butter, along with your collagen supplement will help satisfy your appetite better than a sugar- or carb-based snack," says Albert Matheny, M.S., R.D., CSCS


Some people claim collagen is more effective at night because your body is naturally recovering while you sleep, and by syncing up with that recovery cycle the amino acids will be put to better use. But again, this is just a hypothesis.

"There are no controlled studies that address this issue," Galligan says. "However, the popular literature is in agreement that collagen supplements seem to work equally well when taken at bedtime or in the morning."  

As Ferira puts it, "Collagen peptides are efficient when it comes to absorption in the gut and utilization by the various cells and tissues in your body, any time of the day."

The verdict: It doesn't matter! 

Your best course of action is to take collagen supplements whenever it works best for your schedule.

As with all supplements, consistency is key—so if you're more likely to remember it in the morning with your coffee, by all means. But if you like to blend it in with your lunch smoothie? That's great too! Do what works best for you. 


There is no right or wrong time of day to take a collagen supplement. Your best course of action is to consistently take collagen supplements whenever it works best for your schedule.

How long does it take to see results?

When you incorporate a new supplement into your routine, it's only natural to expect results.

But like all good things, it can take a bit of time, and individual experiences will vary. And given how collagen peptides work, their benefits start showing up in the body at different durations.

If you want more information, check out our full explainer on collagen results. But in the meantime, here are the rough estimates based on the most up-to-date information: 

  • Skin support benefits: 4 to 12 weeks (1 to 3 months)
  • Muscle mass and strength (combined with resistance training): 3 months
  • Less soreness after physical training: within a few days
  • Joint health support: 4 to 6 months
  • Tendon support (combined with strengthening exercise): 3 to 6 months
  • Bone-density support: 12 months
  • Hair: unclear (more research needed)
  • Nails: 6 months


Results will vary depending on the individual. But, you can expect to start seeing benefits of collagen supplements within 1 to 12 months, depending on your targeted area of concern.

Types of collagen supplements

Powders are the best, as they are able to deliver the most potent amount of collagen.*

Powders are also a convenient way to add a meaningful dose of collagen to your nutrition routine, whether blending into a sweet smoothie with colorful fruits or mixed into your morning coffee or latte.

If you prefer other delivery methods—drinks, tonics, capsules, gummies—that's fine; just know that you're likely not getting as much collagen in these products. 


Powder form is the best way to add a meaningful dose of collagen to your nutrition routine because it delivers the most potent amount of collagen.*

The takeaway

Because collagen supplements are still (relatively) new on the scene, we are still learning the recommended dosage.

However, if you look to your specific needs and desired outcomes, the research can help guide us to a more specific answer. 

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